CMT, CSIRT, BCMT, de rollen en verantwoordelijkheden

By: Gert Kogenhop, Founder, bcm+, The Netherlands
Gert Kogenhop is founder of bcm+, the business continuity management (BCM) consultancy firm. He chairs the Netherlands Normalization Institute’s ISO Business Continuity Management and Crisis Management Mirror Committee and is an Honorary Member of the Business Continuity Institute. Gert has written numerous publications about business continuity and edits the BCM column for a regional magazine on sustainability. He is also Course Governor Resilience Management at the Security and Continuity (SECO) Institute in the Netherlands.
The amount of cyber security incidents will likely increase instead of decrease. Small, but also big, renowned organisations are being targeted. The ransomware incident at the University of Maastricht is still clearly remembered in the Netherlands while this summer Garmin was fully in the spotlights. And these two are definitely not the only ones with such experiences. The dependence on IT or ICT is huge to say the least, unacceptably big actually.
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The fields of Business Continuity and Crisis Management.