IT-Security Foundation Exam

380,00 (380,00)

Buy your IT-Security Foundation exam and take the first step in your new career as an IT-security professional with SECO-Institute’s international acclaimed IT-Security Foundation Certification.

3 in stock

SECO-Institute’s IT-Security Foundation exam gives you the opportunity to become a foundation level certified professional.
It is the first step in your new career as an IT-security professional with SECO-Institute’s international acclaimed IT-Security Foundation Certification.

SECO-Institute offers students the possibility to take their exams with the convenience of their preferred location and time.
Our system allows you to book and take exams in the comfort of your ideal study environment.  Do you prefer your kitchen table, your home desk or your office? Would you rather take a test during office hours or at night? The choice is up to you!

This is an entry-level course. No previous knowledge or experience is required.
Familiarity with the most commonly used IT terms is recommended.

What are the benefits of taking a IT-Security Foundation exam?

An S-ITSF certificate demonstrates that you have an overall understanding of IT security challenges and best-practice remedies. If you are considering a career in IT security, S-ITSF provides you with an excellent opportunity to enter the security industry and advance your skills with higher-level security trainings.

The certificate is particularly suitable for network and system administrators seeking career advancement. If you work in a similar role, S-ITSF may be your opportunity to take your first step towards becoming a security administrator, security auditor, security engineer, security analyst or penetration tester.

S-ITSF also has benefits for managers whose work involves regular communication with IT (security) specialists. If you work with security professionals, or if your business decisions affect the IT domain, the ability to perceive IT security risks and liaise with security professionals can considerably improve your efficacy as a manager. Depending on your interests and background, S-ITSF may even open you to new career opportunities – for example, a project or change management position in an IT or information security-related environment.

Click here to find out more on how to book your exam.