Foundation exams - get certified on a foundation level

SECO-Institute’s  Foundation Exams give you the opportunity to become a foundation level certified information security or data protection professional. It is the first step in your new career as a professional with SECO-Institute’s international acclaimed Foundation Certification.

SECO-Institute offers students the possibility to take their exams with the convenience of their preferred location and time.
Our system allows you to book and take exams in the comfort of your ideal study environment.  Do you prefer your kitchen table, your home desk or your office? Would you rather take a test during office hours or at night? The choice is up to you!

What are the benefits of taking Foundation exams?

A Foundation certificate demonstrates that you have an overall understanding of the most important aspects of information security or data protection. If you are considering a career in information security or data protection, a Foundation certificate provides you with an excellent opportunity to enter the industry and advance your skills with higher-level information security or data protection trainings.

If you work in an information security or data protection role, a Foundation certificate may be your opportunity to take your first step towards becoming a information security or data protection manager, coordinator or consultant, or a information security or data protection officer.

Foundation certificates also have benefits for information security specialists who need to collaborate with other facets of their organisation, for instance, to provide the necessary coverage their organisation needs to remain functional in the face of threats and vulnerabilities.

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